Local Issues
Our 2022 Norwalk Youth Survey found that anxiety, depression, and self harm have substantially decreased since COVID. But "better" is a long way from "good." 538 of our kids have made a suicide attempt, 1 in 4 remain depressed, and over a third experience anxiety that "always" or "almost always" makes life difficult.
Luckily, Norwalk is still experiencing some of the lowest substance use rates in recent years and is using less than surrounding towns. Only 18% of our high school students have ever used alcohol, and only 12% have used nicotine. However, any amount of substance use still has links to mental and physical illness and can lead to risky situations. For instance, 1 in 4 students reported having had sex under the influence, and students as young as seventh grade continue to ride with intoxicated drivers.
On this page you will find information on the local issues with which Norwalk youth are struggling, including alcohol, marijuana, vaping/nicotine, and opioids, as well as mental health issues. If this information motivates you to seek support, please visit our website's resource tab.