Saturday, May 6 (rain date May 13), 9AM-12PM
Norwalk Green, 8 Park Street

NorWALK for Mental Health is back for its second year! Start gathering your friends and family for an awareness walk coupled with a wellness fair with fun for all ages.
Activities include...
Teen & adult speakers
Mayoral proclamation
Music by a local DJ
Short Zumba, fitness, and laughter yoga sessions
Health & mental health screenings
Art projects
Book mobile
Career guidance
Substance awareness for kids (try out the alcohol goggles!)
Free Narcan
PawSafe Dog Adoption
Start getting friends, family, neighbors or colleagues together to walk! Click here to RSVP... but walk-ins will be welcome!
Do you work with a group that would like to host an activity/resource table? Click here to be part of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Fair.
Be sure to promote our English and Spanish walk flyers (download below)!