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Celebrating TNP's amazing members & accomplishments


Highlights of the 2022-23 TNP Annual Meeting

2022-23 was a great year for The Norwalk Partnership! Last week's annual meeting was a great chance to reflect on the year's accomplishments. A few highlights:

  • We conducted a robust youth survey, the results of which have already led to new programs and grant funding in the City and community.

  • We trained 100s of teens and adults around substance use awareness, marijuana, parenting, mental health, and suicide prevention, including holding Norwalk's first-ever Freshman Forums (in English and Spanish).

  • Our legislative forum on cannabis led to bills being introduced and ongoing community advocacy has led to policy changes, including HB6699 being passed last week.

  • We launched our Teen Nights Out initiative to provide fun substance-free social activities for teens, and we ran support groups for our high school students.

  • Our Norwalk Strong clubs grew in both high schools, raising awareness in school and in the community. Many thanks to the leadership of our club leaders and prevention interns, Sof Ramos (BMHS '23) and Dyan Sommerville (NHS '24)!

  • We held the 2nd NorWALK for Mental Health + Wellness Fair with 39 community partners.

  • We updated and continued our Liquor Stickers campaign.

We thank ALL of you for your collaboration on these and other initiatives. It truly takes a village! (Scroll down to download the meeting slides & minutes.)

Recognizing our Outstanding Members

The meeting gave us the opportunity to celebrate the invaluable contributions of a few wonderful coalition members.

Two of our outstanding TNP Core Leadership team members, Jim Martinez (NPS) and Denique Weidema-Lewis (Norwalk ACTS), are leaving Norwalk behind--and leaving it a much better place as a result of their dedicated, thoughtful work. We're sorry to see them go! A huge thank you to Jim and Denique for their incredible work over the years.

Another amazing Leadership team member, Tory Sullivan, is stepping out of that role, but we are grateful that she will continue as a steadfast member of the coalition. Ginger Katz (Courage to Speak Foundation) and Diamond Sead (Human Services Council) presented the following awards:

  • Outstanding Leader: Jim Martinez

  • Outstanding Leader: Denique Weidema-Lewis (not pictured)

  • Lifetime Youth Supporter & Leadership Award: Tory Sullivan

  • Advocacy Award: Nicole Hampton

  • Sector of the Year: NPS

  • Community Partner of the Year: Norwalk Health Department (accepted by Kelley Tomlinson)

Welcoming New Leadership Team Members

We are also happy to welcome three new members to the TNP leadership team:

  • Assistant Superintendent Rob Pennington, Norwalk Public Schools

  • Cadence Pentheny, Triangle Community Center

  • Chief Jim Walsh and/or Sergeant Sofia Gulino, Norwalk Police Department

A round of applause for an incredible year! We look forward to seeing you at planning & community events over the summer.

Looking Forward

This summer, the Leadership Team will be meeting to make plans for next year. TNP will also be offering Overdose Awareness/Narcan trainings in July & August, as well as our monthly QPR Suicide Prevention trainings. We'll post the dates here!

We also look forward to seeing many of you at the great upcoming community events:

  • Pride in the Park - tomorrow (June 10th) from 12-8pm at Veterans Park

  • Day of Training for youth-serving providers - June 21st from 9am-3:30pm at Jefferson School; register here

  • YBI 4th Annual Community Day -July 22nd at Springwood Park; youth basketball tournament from 9am-5pm, provider fair from 11am-3pm; register here

  • Overdose awareness/Narcan trainings - July 4th and August 31st (locations TBD); contact

Download PDF of meeting slideshow

Download meeting minutes:



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