Hot-off-the-press news!
We just got 5 more years of funding from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)! Be on the lookout for a press release coming soon.
We're excited to see YOU tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18th, for our first meeting of the school year, from 3pm-4:30pm on Zoom!
Get an update on smoke shops from Chief Walsh. (See the minutes from our June panel discussion on that topic below.)
Find out about this year's workplan, including our upcoming 2024 Norwalk Youth Survey.
Learn how you can help prevent substance misuse and promote mental health in our youth, including by signing up for one of our new committees!
Share your upcoming announcements!
TNP is open to any interested Norwalk resident or organization. Together, we help build a healthier community for our youth!
Below is the schedule of meetings for this year. Save the date for our 4th annual NorWALK for Mental Health: Walk + Wellness Fair!
2024-25 Meeting Schedule:
(This schedule was sent out a few weeks ago via email. Please be sure you've saved the dates on your calendar!)

Below you can download our 2024-25 meeting schedule, the agenda for our September 18th meeting, and the minutes from June's annual meeting, which featured a panel discussion about smoke shops.