Congratulations to the class of 2021--and to all NPS students, faculty and staff! You are HEROES for triumphing in a really tough year.
Students, teachers, staff and administrators: After getting through this past year and a half, you can get through anything. Your futures are bright--and they (re-)start now! So:
Please take the summer to relax and refresh. Be good to yourselves: do things that make you happy and that keep you healthy. If you've picked up bad habits, make this a time for a fresh start.
Be kind to those around you, more than ever, because we've all had a tough time and we all need a break.
Reflect on how your family, friends, teachers, and students have helped you. Thank them personally. No one does anything alone; we all lean on each other. Keep paying that support forward by reaching out actively to the people you see who are struggling.
And remember that when things get tough, there are always resources to help! Everything from free 24/7 hotlines to free peer supports, from social services to treatment programs. TEENS & YOUNG ADULTS, check out the short video and flyer below for free local supports and (NEW!) free 1:1 peer support.
Wise words from Alexandra Koletsos, NHS '21, distinguished class speaker at the NHS and PTECH graduation: "Remember that you only have to please two people in your life: your 8-year-old self, and your 80-year-old self."
