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May is Mental Health & Prevention Time!

May is both Mental Health Awareness Month and National Prevention Week. TNP has programming throughout the month, both for teens and families. Sign up & help spread the word! (Download event flyers at the bottom of this post.)

MONDAYS IN MAY: Teen Drop-ins at "The Hive"

Join Margaret and Diamond on Mondays in May for weekly teen drop-ins! Teens, get a "check-up" from the neck-up, get answers to your questions about vaping and marijuana, and enjoy a sensory cafe!

When: 5:00-6:00PM, Mondays in May
Where: "The Hive" - 25 Van Zant Street, 4th floor, Suite 19A, Norwalk, CT


THIS WEDNESDAY: Monthly QPR Training

Are you familiar with warning signs of suicide? Would you know how to help a struggling loved one? Earn your QPR certification at this Wednesday's free, online, monthly QPR training! (For anyone aged 16 and up)

When: Wed. May 3rd, 6-7:30PM
Where: Virtual


THIS SATURDAY: NorWALK for Mental Health! Wellness Fair & Awareness Walk

Join us for the second annual NorWALK for Mental Health! Bring your friends and family for fun activities (laughter yoga, hula hoops, DJ...), free wellness resources and behavioral health screenings, and an awareness walk ending with a healing labyrinth.

Speakers include teens, parents, and the Mayor! Learn more at

When: May 6 (rain date May 13), 9-12
Where: Norwalk Green, 8 Park Street


Free Showing of "Screenagers Under the Influence"

From the filmmaker: "‍Screenagers Under The Influence...delves into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use. The film debunks myths and depicts strategies parents and schools can use to encourage healthy decision-making, support teen mental health, set limits, and create healthy home environments."

When: Wed. May 10, 6PM
Where: Norwalk Public Library


Free Overdose Awareness and Narcan Training™

Would you know how to help someone who has overdosed on opioids--perhaps by unknowingly taking a prescription drug that's been laced with fentanyl? Stop by for a free one-hour presentation about current drug risks, recognizing a possible overdose, and how to administer Narcan(TM) to save a life. Attendees will receive a free Narcan kit!

Date: Fri. May 12th, 4PM-5PM,
Location: Positive Directions
90 Post Rd West, Westport, CT


May Teen Nights Out!

After 2 successful events (bowling and ice skating), our Teen Nights Out initiative is off to a good start! Help keep the momentum going by sharing May's events with your networks. This month, we're promoting a Teen Poetry Slam at The Norwalk Art Space and an "Off the Wall Kreationz" night at two local art studios.

Click here for more information about Teen Nights Out.


Crianza Valiente: Courageous Parenting 101 in Spanish

Ginger Katz & Carlos Reinoso will present the Courage to Speak Foundation's Double Dose of Prevention program in Spanish. Spread the word!

Date: Thursday, May 25th, 5-7pm
Location: NPS Family Center, 1 Park Street

Download flyers here:



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