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FREE summer programs for teens


Are you a teen looking for something to do this summer? Check out these fun, FREE summer programs sponsored by local organizations! Parents: please recommend these to your child/share to your networks.

Thank you to the sponsors of these events: Triangle Community Center, The Norwalk Art Space, the Norwalk Public Library, and The Norwalk Partnership.


Triangle Community Center's summer programs!

Beat the heat, learn fun skills, and make new friends with others in your community with free summer activities for LGBTQ+ kids, teens, and families at TCC!


July's Teen Night Out: Field Day and Picnic at Cranbury Park!

Our June Teen Night Out (TNO) will take place Friday, July 28th, from 4-7pm! We'll have a cookout & Field Day at Cranbury Park -- and for those who can't get a ride or carpool there, we'll have a bus there & back from Veteran's Park! This event is open to rising 9th graders and all HS students from Norwalk. Please be sure to RSVP at & tell your friends!

Teens: Please follow our new TNO Instagram and/or sign up for the Remind app so that you can get updates on our summer events, share them to your friends, & show off your pictures after each TNO!


Free art classes by The Norwalk Art Space

Summer Youth Connection with Ukrainian Students

Aug 15-24, 9:45-11:45 AM

Students from The Norwalk Art Space will get the opportunity to share their culture and personal stories through art-making with Ukrainian teens attending RaDity – Радіти “A Space for Children to Get Happy,” a summer camp and art school in Western Ukraine.

Creating Art with Everyday Objects

Aug 14-18, 1-3 PM

No experience necessary! In TNAS's new class, students will create sculptures and installations using easily-accessible media such as cardboard, fabric, wire, wood, metal, wax, rope, books, or paper. Students will develop ideas by drawing, writing, looking at images and videos, and talking with their peers.⁠


Workshop: 12 Tips to Manage Anxiety

Join us Thursday, Aug. 24th, 6PM at the Norwalk Public Library!

When faced with anxiety, what can one do before and during to help reduce and relieve anxiety and regain balance, calm, and clarity? Come learn about anxiety and what you can do to help prevent it and to manage it if it occurs. Everyone will come away with information, tools, and technique to help manage anxiety and help regain and restore balance and calm.


Download and share flyers for these events!



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