Teen Assembly for 8th Graders
Pictured (L to R): Jake Tejada, Norwalk Strong president at BMHS/CGS, Dyan Sommerville, Norwalk Strong president at NHS/PTECH, Hope Whitley, VP at NHS/PTECH
We're so proud of our Norwalk Strong clubs! Students from both clubs, representing BMHS, CGS, NHS and PTECH, worked hard during November to create a presentation for 8th graders, which they gave on December 6 at Ponus MS. In "How to be 'Norwalk Strong': High School Advice for 8th Graders," the high schoolers shared positive messages about being healthy and substance-free, using posters and videos created by the clubs, crowd interaction, personal stories, and data from last year's Norwalk Youth Survey. Student feedback was that it was "funny, relatable, and interesting information." Check out the video! (If asked, password is nps2023!)
December Teen Night Out

Our Teen Night Out (aka TNO) for December is a free Bowling Night taking place this Friday night. We have almost 150 students signed up so far! High school students from Norwalk who are interested can still sign up and will be added to the waitlist. We hope to be able to let everyone in, but in order to get updates, students need to RSVP here using their personal (not their school!) emails. We also encourage our teens to follow @teennightsout on Instagram!
Screenagers Under the Influence & Wellness Fair

Calling all middle school families! Join us on January 24th in the evening for a one-night-only event to help parents & kids communicate about substance use, social media, and mental health.
-Wellness fair with interactive activities: learn about free resources for kids.
-Screening of the new film "Screenagers Under the Influence" with time for Q&A (movie trailer here). Subtitled in Spanish.
-Free pizza (while supplies last) provided by High Focus Treatment Centers.
-Prizes raffled off at the end.
Come learn what you need to know to be able to have important conversations with your family!
Families: Please RSVP to attend at thenorwalkpartnership.org/events
Community agencies / youth-serving providers: To have a table at the wellness fair, please fill out this form.
To share the flyer, please download it at the bottom of this post.
Legislative Forum
Save the date: January 11th at 9am (virtual event). TNP is once again partnering with the Westport Prevention Coalition to host a legislative forum to educate our state delegation about prevention topics. This year, members of the Weston and Wilton prevention coalitions have also asked to join us! Please let Margaret know if you want to be part of the planning team.
Download Screenagers Event Flyer here: