Want to help develop a "Freshman Forum" to educate both students and parents? Freshman Forum is an evening event for high school students with their parents that provides speakers, information, resources, and talking points around mental health and substance use in the high school years. We'd like to adapt the program from other towns to meet Norwalk's needs and we need some great committed parents, youth and community partners to work on this over the summer! Come to our coalition meeting this Wednesday to help us plan!
ALSO: Our marijuana subcommittee will meet right afterward. Now that marijuana possession is legal in CT for adults over age 21, we want to discuss the types of environmental / community strategies (in addition to education and awareness) that we can all get behind. Join us if you're interested!
The TNP coalition meeting will be this coming Wednesday, 7/14 from 2-3:30pm and the marijuana subcommittee will continue right afterward for 30 more minutes.
The link is below; please join us for either/both!
https://zoom.us/j/93295408117?pwd=dEZGWHkwQ291SnRLYUVBVzNldHU4dz09 If you can't make it but want to be involved in either of these activities, please let Laila know: lmcgeorge@positivedirections.org
See you soon!