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Parenting, drug & alcohol counseling, MHFA & more


Updated: Mar 15, 2024

Upcoming events for our Norwalk community: a conversation about parenting teens & tweens, Panera fundraiser for this year's NorWALK event, free alcohol & drug counseling at the high schools, free Mental Health First Aid training, updated behavioral health resource guides for Norwalk... and save the date for the 3rd annual NorWALK for Mental Health! Read on for details & flyers.


Virtual Conversation: Parenting Adolescents

in a Complex World

Parenting can be difficult, and taking care of teenagers presents its own set of obstacles. Next Thursday, March 7th from 12-1pm, Family & Children's Agency is holding an online conversation about parenting with guest speakers from Mid-Fairfield Community Care Center and Positive Directions. Please share this opportunity with anyone interested in hearing how to connect with teens, encourage healthy communication, and meet kids' changing needs. Sign up here. (If you missed it, you can watch it here!)


Fundraiser for 3rd annual NorWALK for Mental Health event

On March 19th, be sure to stop by the Panera on route 7 between 4pm and 8pm for snacks, dinner, or take out--with friends! Panera will donate 25% of sales during that time period to our NorWALK for Mental Health: Walk + Wellness Fair. Must show the flyer or use code FUND4U when making a purchase! Thanks to Human Services Council for setting this up. Get the flyer:


Save the date! 3rd annual NorWALK for Mental Health: Walk + Wellness Fair

Norwalkers, save the date! Start getting your friends and family together for a fun, social, outdoor event focused on wellness! Our 3rd NorWALK for Mental Health event is scheduled for Saturday, May 4th from 9am-12pm (raindate Saturday, May 11th), on the Norwalk Green. We'll have another great "check in" fair with activities and resources focused on all 8 dimensions of wellness, along with music, art, laughter yoga, and guest speakers, followed by our annual awareness walk. This annual event celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month and National Prevention Week.


Free alcohol & drug counseling for high school students!

NPS has contracted with Positive Directions to provide FREE alcohol & drug counseling to students in need. Karlene will be available from 8am-4pm on Tuesdays at NHS/PTECH in Room 316B, and 8am-4pm on Wednesdays at BMHS/CGS in an office next to the nurse. Students can walk in without a referral or make an appointment. Families, teachers, & staff can all make referrals. We encourage students and staff to stop by and introduce yourself! You can reach Karlene at her Positive Directions phone 203-227-7644 x838 or email: Within the schools, she will soon have an NPS email which students can use:

Please download the flyer and share to anyone interested:


Updated for 2024! Behavioral Health Resource Guides

Karlene is one of many FREE behavioral health resources available to students in Norwalk schools. NPS contracts with:

  • Kids in Crisis for the TeenTalk crisis counseling program

  • Mid-Fairfield Community Care Center for counseling and the Latinx Integrated Care program

  • Triangle Community Center for counseling for LGBTQIA+ students

  • Positive Directions for alcohol & drug counseling

  • Both the Human Services Council and Norwalk Community Health Center have school-based health centers where students can receive medical services as well as mental health. NCHC also provides dental services.

Many of these contracts are new or were expanded in direct response to TNP's youth survey! However, too many students, families and even staff are unaware of all these resources--and all the other resources in Norwalk. We regularly update our Norwalk Behavioral Health Resource Guides as programs & services change, so please download and share the latest versions (February 2024), attached below. We are also updating our resource videos. If you have a website, please be sure your resources page links to!


Free Training for Norwalk Community

Positive Directions is offering a free Mental Health First Aid class, specifically for Norwalk community members and Norwalk-based nonprofit agencies. MHFA is an evidence-based training for members of the general public. Participants receive a certificate of training, good for 3 years.

The training will be LIVE at Norwalk Public Library on Tuesday, April 23rd, from 9am-5pm. Advance registration is required and space is limited. Sign up at



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