Due to the weather forecast, our NorWALK for Mental Health event and Check-In Wellness Fair is rescheduled to our rain date of 5/21/22. Please help spread the word to your networks! And read on for other training info.

However, we're still offering free trainings this coming week for National Prevention Week.
TNP is providing lunchtime trainings for any member of the general public to learn to save a life from overdose or suicide. The trainings will take place at City Hall on Monday and Friday. Businesses should consider training their public-facing staff! Details & RSVP for either training here.

Also, our partners at Triangle Community Center and Norwalk ACTS are offering LGBTQ trainings and a read-aloud for young kids about mental heath. Details & the calendar of events for the rest of the month here.
Also, a huge shoutout to all the great community resources that are participating in the NorWALK event! Check out the list below:
