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TNP newsletter: survey, key resources, upcoming events


Updated: Oct 13, 2022

In this blog post:

  1. Wellness Bulletin for Norwalk families: important resources, info on youth survey - please share with parents, teachers, community partners!

  2. TNP coalition meeting today at City Hall

  3. High school boys' group starts today

  4. Courage to Speak upcoming talks

  5. Positive Directions open house and wellness fair

  6. 9th annual Recovery Month celebration


The Wellness Bulletin for Norwalk Families is our newsletter for families, teachers and providers. The back-to-school issue focuses on important and new local resources that families, teachers, and community partners should know, including many free teen support groups. The newsletter also provides info about our upcoming Norwalk Youth Survey. Please download the bulletin in English below! It will also be downloadable in English from TNP's parent education page (where you can get past issues) and in Spanish from our español page.


TNP is having our fall kickoff coalition meeting today from 12pm-1:30pm at City Hall in the Community Room and we look forward to seeing many of you there! Feel free to bring your lunch--and definitely bring flyers and announcements to share during the 1-1:30pm networking time. We'll be talking about plans for this year including the upcoming youth survey, freshman forum, marijuana, and more.


Our 10-week high school teen boys' group starts today at YBI, 11 Day Street (2nd floor).

To sign up for that group or our weekly SMART Teens group, high schoolers should fill out the questionnaire at

Later this year we'll run another 10-week girls' group, followed by another 10-week boys' group.


Courage To Speak recently provided the "Courageous Parenting 101" training at the new NPS Family Center and will be repeating it in English and in Spanish in October and November. Info here. CTS is also having a number of upcoming speaking events at the middle schools: Sept 27 at NHMS, Oct 7 at PRMS, Nov 2 at Roton MS.


Positive Directions welcomes the community to their Open House and Wellness Fair. Come meet some of the prevention, counseling, med management, and peer recovery staff, and experience prevention and coping skills activities, get your "check up from the neck up" along with your blood pressure screening, enjoy some snacks, and more! October 6th, 3-6pm. Please RSVP by emailing or visiting


On Sunday, October 9th from 3-5pm, join US Senator Blumenthal and other state and local leaders, recovery advocates, and many more for the 9th annual Recovery Celebration! The event will take place at The Westport Library, with a reception from 3-3:30pm followed by a panel discussion, "Building on Recovery Capital." To register and for more information:



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