Downloadable infobriefs & slideshows about Norwalk youth, based on our local data
For complete datasets from our local surveys, visit our Survey Data page
2022 Norwalk Youth Survey presentation to BOE
Slideshow of our newest survey data (gathered late October 2022), presented to the Board of Education on 1/10/23. See also this report by Nancy on Norwalk. Shows mental health, protective and risk factors, substance use, bullying, other data.
2022 TNP Youth Survey Proposal to Board of Education
Slideshow presented to the Board of Education about the 2022 Youth Survey given to all middle and high school students in Norwalk. The survey findings led to new plans and changes both within NPS and in the community at large, so we are looking forward to the new survey to help us identify the status of our students' mental health, stress, substance use, and more. This year's survey will additionally gather information on eating disorders, bullying, social media, participation in extracurriculars, and trusted adults.
2021 TNP Youth Survey: Overall Findings
Slideshow summarizing the aggregate results of TNP's June 2021 Youth Survey, which examined stress, developmental relationships, mental health & suicide, and substance use in Norwalk 7th-12th grade students. Slides also highlight highest risk groups and broad recommendations. Portions of this slideshow were presented to the Board of Education on 9/14/21 and the TNP coalition on 9/29/21. Find the entire dataset including disaggregated data on our Survey Data page.
Adult & Youth Mental Health in Norwalk in 2021: Presentation to Common Council
Brief summary of TNP's findings about mental health and substance use among youth and adults in Norwalk, based on TNP's 2021 community & youth surveys. Includes recommendations for City action. Presented to Health & Public Safety Committee 9/23/21.
2021 TNP Community Survey: Overall Findings
Summary of responses from Norwalk adults surveyed via SurveyMonkey. Survey was available in 3 languages from December 2020 through March 2021 and identified COVID stress, depression/anxiety levels, substance use norms, awareness of resources, and parenting concerns. Slideshow here. Presented to TNP coalition April 2021.
2018 Youth Survey: Overall Findings
Slideshow presenting the results of the Developmental Assets survey conducted in November 2018 through Positive Directions' Partnerships For Success grant. Find the entire dataset including disaggregated data on our Survey Data page.